Ohtsuki Noh Theatre

The Ohtsuki Noh Theatre was established in 1935. It is the oldest extant Noh stage in Osaka City and the only one to survive the firebombing of Osaka during World War II. It was also the first Noh theatre in the country to provide chairs rather than bench-like tatami box seats for the audience. The austere stage was registered as a Tangible Cultural Property in 2014.
The Ohtsuki Noh Theatre contributes to the promotion and dissemination of Noh through the training of young Noh performers who will lead the next generation.
The Ohtsuki Noh Theatre stages Noh programs throughout the year, producing both classic and modern plays and even reviving works that were nearly lost to time. The theatre also hosts workshops for beginners to the world of Noh.

The Art of Noh

The Ohtsuki Noh Theatre offers a variety of programs to allow you to experience Noh, including Viewing the Noh Theatre with a help of English audio guide, Noh Special Experience Program, and Noh Educational Program. We also offer a customized program with contents tailored to your requests. Please visit our website for more information. https://noh-kyogen.com/global/en/noh_taiken/index.html
Our special program is also provided by an online travel agent. Please check its site.
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